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Tune in for live commentary hanworthvilla.mixlr.com

New Year’s Day Offer

On Monday 1st January 2024 we are offering anyone with a valid season ticket from any club higher than us in the football pyramid the chance to attend for the price of a concession ticket. So that’s Premier League, EFL or National Leagues get entrance to our game against Metropolitan Police for just £7 – oh and under 16s are free if accompanied by an adult.

We look forward to seeing lots of new faces down at Rectory Meadow. Find out what you can expect and how to find us.

Admission prices for New Year’s game

  • Adults – £10
  • Concessions – £7 (Over 65/appropriate season ticket)
  • Under 21s/Students (ID required) – £5
  • Under 16s (free if accompanied by a paying adult) – £1

Admission to games can be either cash or credit card on the turnstile.

Where to find us

EcoGlow Stadium, Rectory Meadow, Park Road, Hanworth, Middlesex, TW13 6PN